Sunday, 27 May 2018

Note to younger self

I wrote this for a book that a website is making but I decided that as I'm not sure when the book will come out or if I will even be in it I might as well upload it here as well the aim of the piece was to write about what you wanted your younger self to know,I had a few people read this before sending it off and I'm quite happy with the outcome. As I've already written about I'm 5 years ahead of the average age to get ME so mine is probably going to be a lot different from most other peoples. I really enjoyed writing this and I would also like to make a similar thing but for my future self anyway... here it is:

First things first I want you to know that you & only you have the power to save yourself without the help of others I also know that even though people don’t understand that doesn’t mean no one ever will, you are worthy of love so stop letting people make you think you are not. You have the ability to get through this and there will be light at the end of the tunnel,
You don’t need what you think you need to be okay, I know you feel like you have lost everything but there’s no use  clinging onto what isn't real, You’ll be okay on your own & for a start your not on your own because there’s so many people who care about you.
I know alot of people don't understand or even try to understand what is going on but there’s nothing you can do to make them get it or to make them want to listen to you & I know you will lose alot of friends but you will also make better friends with more intresting,kinder people than the ones you already know.

You are going to feel like you have been rejected alot & like you are a outcast but I want you to know that its there loss not yours, I know you are going to feel unwanted but again that's everyone else’s loss not yours.
I also want you to know that illness doesn’t have to define you even though you might feel like it is.
It doesn’t have to be all bad. You don't have to let it break you, if you let it, it will make you a better person also when you start to feel bad because you can't help everyone remember you can always help someone & never lose sight of what you want or who you are because at the end of the day that's the most important thing.

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