Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Netflix original Alexa & Katie

I said I'd never do reviews again after my massive 3 series Hetty Feather review but this show really stood out to me. Alexa & Katie follows a girl who has recently got a cancer diagnosis & her best friend. It starts with the main character Alexa getting ready for her first day of high school after spending summer in the hospital receiving chemo & other cancer treatments.

I look out for medical shows that I know I will be able to relate to,even though I don't have cancer I did feel like I could relate to this in alot of ways what I also really loved was that it showed alot of sides of stuff that I didn't think I was going to see. You get to see Alexa's emotions but also the emotions of her best friend Katie as well as Alexa & Katie's familys.

I also felt that it was really important to be able to be able to cry one minute then laugh the next.  This show shows how important it is to have one really close friend or a close group of friends & that you don't need tons of friends to be there for you. Katie's protection & love for Alexa was definitely something that I feel needs to be shown on screen more often all the things Katie does for Alexa are so sweet (EG:Shaving her head,Trying to get on the basketball team,auditioning for the play ect..)

Its easy to forget about  your friends when they become sick alot of people forgot about me & contine to do so.I know that they probably never think of me now or if they do i am probably  just labbled the sick girl.       

There's so many shows where you see the parents or siblings within them but you never get to know what they are thinking all feeling,I think its important especially in shows aimed at teens to also see adult relationships as well as teenage ones. I also think that its important that younger children's views are also put across. Kids have a innocence that often gets lost when they become teenagers or start to go into adulthood.

Getting back to the actual illness Alexa,Katie & the hospital kids took it upon themselves to have fun whilst in the hospital again something really important as this shows how you can have fun despite being ill & having all their problems it also showed the hospital support group which again I wasn't expecting to see but it was done so well & felt realistic.

I felt the school scenes were unrealistic but then I realised that I had based that on my own school experience,I don't know what happens in other schools I know alot of people I have spoken to have had bad school expirences but is that because people understand so little about ME & alot more about cancer? Or are there understanding schools out there? It made me realize that not everyone in the school profession can be as nasty as they are in my head or want to see you fail as much as I felt my school wanted me to fail,seeing this has given more faith in people.

On the subject of school we come to Dillion I also thought this was way to unrealistic again I based this solely on my own experience not others its not secret that I love to hard & always seem to love the wrong people. Dillon tutors Elexa for about 6 months ish before asking her to the dance she says no even though she wants to go because she thinks he is only doing it because he feels sorry for her. This is something I feel alot of the time not just with guys but with family & friends or anyone who says they care I think it's just a act.

Dillon does want to go out with Alexa & they end up planning to go to the dance together then there's a flu outbreak at the school so Alexa can't go but Katie goes to the hospital gets antiviral masks & makes everyone wear one to the dance witch they all do. Again this shows how much power people have if they all come together & how much even the smallest thing can make the biggest difference to someones life.

I can't imagine anyone at my school doing anything like that or anything at all really but I know alot of people would. Dillion & Alexa was great you can't make a teen shoe without having love stories within it but again somehow this show managed to give me back my faith in the world by showing me that illness isn't the end of the world, that you can be loved just like anyone else & normal things can happen to you despite all the things that don't happen in your peers lives.

Alexa wants to do things without cancer being able to ruin her fun but realises how to have fun even though she is sick. I cried multiple times at this show but I also laughed & reflected on my own life an awful lot I know season two is being filmed right now but I'm not sure how they can top season one but I do know I'm already looking forward to it