Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Self care

I can't really talk about this because if I'm honest I know alot of people have atual self care routines that they follow weekly or even daily,I've struggled quite a bit over the past  year or so as I've been feeling slightly better & experiencing what its like to be slightly more normal so its even more frustrating

when I have a bad day or week a few months ago I'd decided that on days like these I need to stop hating myself,being upset & try to be more positive (which I can achieve most days but becomes really hard when I'm tierd) I've found a few things that have worked for me so I thought i'd share them with you guys incase they might work for any of you guys

●Watching films or T.V shows/series with positive messages~anything from Disney or any feel good film you can think of maybe 1 you've loved as a child or 1 of your favourite films

●Nail painting,

I've seen some people use this as part of a self care routine or just doing it regularly,I don't do fancy nail art neither do I really have any idea how to my hands shake sometimes so half the time the nail varnish ends up all over the place. but its makes me feel alot better having atleast 1 part of me that looks nice even if I'm half asleep or feeling really ill.

●Shower~ I've found that showering sometimes wakes me up and is also quite good for my bones as the cold really helps,alot of people use baths which are quite relaxing  (the only reason I don't is because my hurt trying to get in)


I've spent years not being able to read and even tho I now can its still nice to be read to especially when I'm feeling to tierd to read to myself or if my head hurts to much to watch T.V

There's some of my ideas I don't know if any of them will work for you guys or if you have your own self care routines that you do but I hope some of these help some of you.

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