Brief synopsis: A Amozon original series based on Lynn Povich's book & Set in 1969~1970, a group of women who work for a newspaper fight against sexual discrimination in a battle to become reporters.
One of the obvious that came to mind before I began to watch this was that there was gonna be a lot of women in unhappy marriages, using guys to get higher up jobs & basically just being slaves to them so I wasn't to surprised when one of the first scenes of episode one was a sex scene.
I'm gonna start off with characters & their back story's,what I liked & disliked about them as I feel this is a good place to start & with
l also break it up a bit.
Cindy: At 1st I thought Cindy was really dull but then as the episodes went on I realized that I could really relate to her,at the start of the series Cindy doesn't know who she I think deep down she knows what she wants but her husband's told her she has 1 year as a reporter for News of the week before the has to give it up to start raising a family,from the very start its clear to see she's not happy about this or anything surrounding her life. She then begins to make friends with Pati who helps her find true self also making her realize she wants more than just to raise a family,get old &die.
She becomes a lot more confident & begins to drink (a lot) ,start partying and also ends up having a affair with the photographer Ned. Cindy really believes that Ned loves her,after her husband finds out about the affair Ned takes her home as she has nowhere else to go but the best day he tells her that it was "just a bit of fun" & that he never really cared for her. Not gonna lie at this point I cried my eyes out & actually got quite angry. Cindy She then goes home & tries to fix her broken marriage. She ends up leaving Lenny for good after telling him about the law suit, Lenny (Cindy'husband) gets aggressive,abusive & violent leaving Cindy with a cut down her cheek.
What I liked about Cindy's character was how she discovered who she wanted to be then made a point of following it through,she starts to believe & stand up for herself,by doing this she gains a lot of respect,I think that sends out a important message about finding yourself,being who you wanna be & being resilient.
I also loved how we sow Cindy's venerable side especially with the affair all she wants is to feel loved & Ned is doing that she just presumes that he means it. I feel like a lot of people can relate to this but its also interesting to see someone in this situation,her reaction to this is to basically sob & get drunk but she also knows that she can go to Pati & that she's always got a genuine friend in her that she can go to with her full trust,she also knows that Pati is gonna give her full support as well as whatever else she needs
their friendship really shows how someone else can come into your life & help you realize what you want & what true friendship is by the always be there when you need someone to lean on.
Jane: I only started to like Jane probably halfway through the series or later,she was very stuck up, brought up by a rich family & would suck up to whoever was at the top but towards the end of the series much like Cindy she realizes what she wants . Jane breaks up with her boyfriend after she thinks he's taking to long to ask for her hand in marriage,she then also decides that she wants to become a writer & not just a reporter she finds out about the other girls plan to sue news of the week but decides to ask if she can write a article ,they steal her ideas but get another woman outside of the paper to write the article so she decides to join the other girls with the law suit.
Again this shows that you shouldn't just put up with something if you think its wrong & that you have to fight,Jane also comes out of her shell with the help of the other girls which again shows how much even one persons friendship can help someone grow.
Pati: Pati was my fave for day 1 it's always good to see a strong willed character, unlike the other 2 characters I've mentioned Pati knew right from the start what she wanted & that it was unfair that she couldn't have it.
In the very 1st episode we see Pati go completely out her way for a news story on a fight during a concert,with the help of the other girls Pati's research takes her to another state where she ends up interviewing a backing dancer & groupe.
Although Pati going out her way to
get good research for a article she fails
to tell her boyfriend this (who also works for the paper)
so he then just presumes she stood him up,Pati then confides in
Doug (her boyfriend) about her 18 year old sisters marriage as she thinks her sister is moving to quickly & doesn't want her sister to become a slave to a man meaning she won't be following her dreams. Pati tells him she thinks her sister is capable of a lot more than she is allowing herself to do. after processing everything,Doug then decides to break up with Pati telling her she's to complicated for him as she wants more than just being his wife. Doug & Pati's relationship has a lot of ups & downs mostly because Pati knows what she wants but Doug can't ever seem to be able to support her properly so they end up fighting & break up.
I think in a way he wants her to be like all the other girls because it would be easier for him but I think deep down he also wants to help her achieve her dreams but just can't bring himself to do it as doing so would also lose him a lot of friends,I think he also knows Pati is right but he's to stubborn & stuck in the past to admit what he knows.
Pati also has a fling with her boss Finn & at the end of the series runs to tell Finn about the law suit but spots the feminist article (the 1 Jane wanted to write) on the cover of the newspaper,realizing Finn & all the other men have gone completely against what she suggested she decides against it & goes back to the other girls.
Pati's character taught me a lot about belief,standing up for myself,working hard,knowing what I want & not giving up.
Although I loved the series I feel really annoyed that it didn't get picked up for another season & even more annoyed that it got left on a cliff hanger.
what I loved about this show the most was all the friendships,all the girls looking out for each other, standing up for themselves, realizing what they want,realizing what they don't want & being independent. I all the historical aspect but do also feel that some of the storylines could have been expanded on in more detail as I feel there was a lot of information that wasn't explained although I'm not sure if it just went over the top of my head of it it was down to it not being explained.
I feel like I should talk more about the men in this show but I think I've kind of said all I can say none of them really seemed to be in love with their wives\girlfriends as they were constantly having affairs for fun. They also seemed to be quite aggressive & angry quite a lot of the time especially after finding out about the law suit.
my fave man in this show would have to be Doug because I think his heart was in the right place I just think he was confused as to why Pati wouldn't just put up with it but he kept running back to her & had no other lover so he seems the most & only loyal guy in this show even tho he was a jerk most of the time.
This show also made me realize what I want,I've spent so long thinking that because I'm ill I'm capable of nothing & if I'm honest with you all (Idk how many people are gonna read this but you know..) I decided my entire adult life would be sitting at home all day waiting for a guy to come home from work,not actually doing or achieving anything.
I still want what I've wanted since being a kid I want to write,realizing this I got really upset because people aren't gonna wanna hire someone who's ill or likely to need time off as there is still probably going to be times where I am ill & can't do things.
I think that was because of the whole school situation,but then I realized that no company can really refuse to give me a job on those grounds because that's discrimination & I could sue.
I've spent the past few months completely confused about love because in my mind if I love someone they should love me (basically have the mind of a 5 year old) but I realized that I don't need someone to love people already do I don't need a bf I need a decent career which I will get if I work hard & try really hard to get better I thought all this was impossible but even if that means starting my own company or whatever I need to do I now think I can.
I wanna tell peoples stories, I want to move people or be able to make them smile or feel better & more than anything want to give sick people a voice & make sure they know there not alone. which is way more important
than what I thought was the most important thing ever, its not that comes later (if it ever does) this show made me realize what's important. this show taught me to believe in myself but most importantly of all to keep fighting for what's right even when other people don't believe in you.
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