Working within Stroud's local community offering support and guidance to Stroud's young and vulnerable since 1969. The Independence trust offer Programs starting from six months up until one feels able to leave with the aim of being able to give them people focus points.
Enabling them to gain skills and complete tasks that allow them to build on there strengths, capabilities and ambitions.
Boosting thier confidence whilst assisting them in improving thier mental wellbeing. This also helps them gain the confidence to set up thier own groups in order to later take a passion for employment.
Christmas is a rime forgiving, the Independence charity trust plans to serve up a full Christmas dinner to the young vulnerable people who come through thier door. For many of these young people, this may be the only hot meal and company they will receive over the festive period.
They are also looking for charitable donations in order to give them the best possible Christmas.
These donations will be used for stockings so will need to be reasonably sized gifts of use. (eg:Toiletries,socks,sweets/chocolate,books,hair accessories ect..)
Donations can be dropped off at Independence Trust First Floor Offices, The Cross, Parliament Street, Stroud GL5 2HL (entry to the building is the wooden doors etc the right of the steps of the car park), or Trading Post Records, Kendrick Street, Stroud until December 23rd.
Alternatively, if you are looking for a project to begin in the new year why not offer your services as a volunteer. Do you have or know anyone with computer skills who could possibly put in a few hours a month to help build a website for this amazing charity? Or have you got the carpentry skills to be able to offer help, advice and a listening ear to those attending the carpentry group held at the men's shed?
Are you feeling blue and would like some support organising your own project to get you out of a slump?
Then get in touch with Stroud's independence charity trust and they would be more than happy to advise you on how to go about your next steps.
If you are interested in any of the above then here are the details to get in touch:
Saturday, 21 December 2019
Saturday, 14 December 2019
Disability inclusion in the Dumping Ground part 3
Welcome to part three of my dumping ground blog.
Moving on up to later characters within the dumping ground. I have gone through this character by character as whilst writing the last blog it all got a bit confusing. They also all arrived within around not very long time periods of each other so I feel it works better this way.
First up Sasha: Sasha is the most feisty dumping ground resident but she also has a softer side that comes out every now and again.
before getting put into care Sasha lived with her mother. Who was mostly absent leaving her to care for her brother's Dexter & Murphy
Having little food turns Sasha down the wrong path. Turning to crime
in order to feed her family & keep a roof over their heads.
Being caught by the police numerous times meant her being taken into care.
Where she mixed in with the wrong crowd resulting in her committing more crime. Her last chance before getting sent to a secure facility was a trial run at the DG.
Having obvious anger issues, presumably partly due to raising her brothers alone. Sasha becomes calmer as each series goes on she still has her outbursts every now and then.
In the episode "Perfect Match" having realised her mum does not want her home, Sasha puts herself up for fostering. She gets a callback pretty quickly from a couple named Lou & Anj who also have dwarfism.
I think I mentioned this previously but I always find it humbling when the characters get matched up with couples who share the same medical conditions. If this was real life this would mean a better understanding between them all, making for an easier more peaceful life for them all.
Initially, Sasha isn't sure about Lou & Anj as she was unaware they had dwarfism.
But decides to give them a chance, a comment is later made by a stranger about them being a "Lovely little family" making her realise she's not yet let go of the hope that one day she will be back with her own family Who she brings up multiple times throughout the day.
This random comment prompts her to steal from a village shop, hiding the contents in Anj's bag.
Lou and Anj later go on to adopt Harry while Sasha awaits for a time where she can go back to her family.
A while after Sasha's half-sister is born Dexter comes to live at Ashdeen Ridge. From years of playing the mother role, Sasha is very protective of her little brother which causes friction between the other housemates and the two siblings.
Having stayed a while Dexter leaves. Going back to live back with his mum.
struggling with her own emotions, turning every pain into anger rather than actually finding someone to talk to upon planning to leave, rather of saying her proper goodbyes she ends up insulting everyone.
This seems to be her way of trying to prove to herself what she is doing is right even though she knows deep down how much she wishes to stay where she is. By now she has friends who she deeply cares about. In the end, Sasha makes the decision to complete her education whilst under the dg roof.
A few series later Sasha's old friend Freya turns up, still feeling angry about the past Fraya begins to purposely set out to frame Sasha in a series of events Making it look to be Sashas' fault every time.
Anger begins to boil more and more as it builds up Sasha begins to lash out inviting a bunch of people to a party at the DG then eventually smashing up a car in her rage.
Now insecure but innocent, Jody enlists the help of her friends to uncover the truth. They soon discover that Freya has taken photos of all the resident's files and plans to upload them if anyone comes clean about what is really going on. Meaning everyone could be in serious danger if Fraya's plan is exposed.
This is by far one of the greatest Sasha episodes because it shows how far she has come as a person after being given a second chance. It also shows how far she is willing to go for her friends.
Chloe: I was really excited at the addition of Chloe because her storyline was so well thought out and portrayed. The whole idea of having her fall from a window as a baby and her mum blaming her brother (Ryan) felt & still does feel so clever to me. Doing it this way also allowed for an emotional side. Much hurt is able to be demonstrated through it, hurt that's been bottling up for years until they are finally ready for a reunion.
Another reason Chloe's first episode "hold the front page" is so clever is because Ryan's character at this point has been on our screens for a while. Yet we have been given hardly any back story. He's grumpy, moody and clearly angry at someone\ something. Ryan's character, especially in the younger years, really reminded me of Crash from TSOTB.
In them both, you can see they have clearly been mistreated. A really great Crash line that sticks with me is in a scene from "Spare Dad" when he is talking about why the nickname Crash has stuck. He says something like "because I'm angry with the world, you made me angry" (not sure if that's completely accurate but it's something similar) Ryan is also clearly angry with the world.
What's fascinating is why. You don't just become angry something has to make you angry, another thing this show is good at showcasing angry characters but penning them such incredibly heartbreaking backstories allowing you to really feel for them. I really hoped that with Ryan they would have taken this deep manifesting trauma further, I know a lot of people feel the same way.
Possibly done in the right way it could have worked, but may have been too deep for a children's show.
Hold the front page shows the start of Tyler's journalism journey when he is able to expose the truth of what really happened on the day of Chloe's fall. Ryan has carried around the knowledge that he is to blame, but a simple conversation with the shop keeper from the downstairs building says otherwise. It does make you wonder why he never spoke up before despite having to know the truth for a number of years.
It also makes you wonder how no one else figured out what really happened when all Tyler conducted was a simple investigation which uncovered it all. Although having it this way mad for a really promising plot to be then taken so much further.
Even after the truth comes out Chloe and Ryan's relationship remains quite rocky. Ryan hadn't been reading Chloe's letters beforehand so knows very little about her, she knows little of him so of course, it takes them a while to truly get to know each other and form a connection.
Ryan's last episode "A million ways to say goodbye" makes it clear that even though having now properly known Chloe for a number of years they still disagree on a lot of things especially when it comes to forgiving thier mum. Ryan still feels all the hurt but it's a different matter for Chloe who for having spent many of her early years with her, has many good memories of time spent together and still believes her to have their best interests at heart.
Ryan's next step in this episode proves how strong of a bond they both now have. For the uses Chloe's phone to text their mum. Arranging to meet her outside their old block of flats. Taking her into the building of Chloe's accident he then goes on to confront her. Ending in her confessing to the truth.
After learning how to stand up for himself Ryan decides it is time for him to leave the DG to go and live out his passion for horse care. Leaving Chloe to continue life at Asdeen Ridge alone.
Chloe's other main episodes focus more around her thoughts, feelings and emotions. she is a very thoughtful person which we have seen many times since her arrival.
Most recently in the episode "the last dance" where she helps Mike come to the decision to go and be with his newfound family.
Where in "The fairytale Princess" "snake" and "Another Planet" the storylines all focus on Chloe's wish to feel liked, seen and appreciated by others. There are many times where she feels left out or overlooked, for various reasons including disability.
Very much like Sasha Chloe also seems to struggle with being able to let out her emotions. Meaning she turns to find new friends in unlikely places to help her cope rather than confiding in anyone how she really feels.
Much of this tactic is probably down to her early years of feeling left out or having a lack of understanding around why her brother was sent away aa well as why she ended up in a wheelchair.
Towards the end of series seven, we see Chloe become addicted to an online roleplaying game, again this shows an element of Chloe's loneliness. Many online friendships are made because people are lonely or turn to the internet as a support network.
Much like Chloe, people who feel as if she has very few friends who she can really trust tend to turn to the internet. Of course, at this point, she is also most likely missing Ryan.
I think the main of this episode was to show how you shouldn't meet up with strangers and despite Chloe's newfound friend turning out to be May Li's son the adults still put a stop to their meeting. But not their friendship for they both attend Mike's charity prom together as a couple.
Something that the Tracyverse has done incredibly well at since the start of it all is inclusion, their way of subtlety mixing disabled people with abled people without it being a massive deal and without it causing drama. Which is the way it should be but mostly isn't presumably when meets Chloe he
doesn't know she's disabled, but he doesn't mention it or ask questions which is really refreshing. It seems ingrained into a lot of peoples heads that disabled people only date other disabled people or should only date other disabled people. I suppose in a way that theory or way of thinking does make sense in terms of understanding that person. but it doesn't necessarily show the real world. Despite shows like "The "undatables" claiming that is how it is.
The same goes for Sasha and ex Josh even though it was short-lived.
Having said all this Finn's relationship with Ivy is really sweet and I do really hope that in series eight they are given more screen time, as they both have down syndrome it would be nice to have an episode where they do talk about it but in a positive way.
Finn: We first meet Finn in series three episode nine "Long way home" When
after getting a strange text Ryan decides to check up on Harry in his new foster home, he soon discovers that Harry's foster family are not all they seem. Ryan rescues Harry & Finn & brings them back to the dumping ground where they explain to Mike & May li, that neither of them get on with the family, as they argue all the time & blame the two boys.
Finn has many hobbies including swimming. And despite having confidence issues has managed to achieve a lot within his time at the dumping ground such as becoming a young person's representative and winning a swimming competition.
for Aaron Staffman's electoral campaign. For more on Finn and his actor Ruben please check out my previous blog
Other things that I feel are worth a mention is the episode "Where is love" wIn this episode Mo discovers that the adults who raised him are not, in fact, his parents and are indeed his grandparents, who legally adopted him as a baby because they felt his real parents would not be able to care for him properly as they both have cerebral palsy.
This is a massively important storyline to cover because as sad as it is, this does happen to people.
Nevertheless, there are disabled parents out there who do a tremendous job at raising their children and who have worked out ways around any issues they may encounter.
I follow young disabled people who have been quite open about this and plainly said things like "I won't ever have children because I feel I wouldn't be able to look after them properly." Others have spoken of fostering or possibly adoption from fear of passing down an illness.
But I've seen situations of people speaking of becoming ill and then not long after divorced. however, still do a remarkable job of raising children in ways adapted to suit their needs.
So it's not impossible just harder than it would be for the average person.
Other random things I have picked up on are the added addition of Chloe's ramp and later lift. The scene in which they open Chloe's lift shows just how significant accessibility is. The pure joy captured on her face at being able to go upstairs is the purest thing.
Access is a big issue for many disabled people and having access demonstrated throughout television, shows people what can be done in order to help disabled people live normal lives.
There's also been quite a few added characters lately with disabilities like the addition of Ivy & Amy Hill. Ivy is Finn's new girlfriend who works at the leisure centre where he practices swimming She also supported him throughout his competition. Amy Hill was an ex care kid who Mike had looked after as a child.
It was really nice to see a successful adult with a disability on screen because you don't see that enough.
I'm not sure if they went out purposefully to look for a disabled actor or not but the fact it was there meant a lot to me. For a disabled child to be able to see a very successful person with a disability gives them the confidence to prove to themselves that despite everything, they can be successful in whatever path they choose to take.
That concludes my dumping ground blogs. I really enjoyed going back through all the episodes, choosing the ones I felt most important. There were a lot of things I forgot about that were a joy to rediscover.
Doing this has also given me so much joy so I really hope you have all enjoyed my findings.
Thank you so much for reading.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Christmas gifts for the chronically ill
I wanted to do a bunch of Christmas blogs but had very few ideas on what to write about. This idea came to whilst writing my charity gift blog. I then saw another blogger and do something slightly similar so had a read for inspiration. I have also included ideas from others as well as things that have helped me throughout my time of being chronically ill.
My plan was to write a note by each to explain why I had written in the item but realised that is not needed for it to make sense. I have instead put them into categories.
To help with block out noise/light when in sensory overload:
1: Ear defenders\ear plugs\headphones
2:Sleep Mask
For comfort:
4: Blankets
For pain:
6: Water bottles/ heat pads
7: Foot\back massager
9:Shower chair\ bath lifter
10: A salt lamp
For boredom/distraction:
11: DVDs\ boxsets
12: Audible subscription
13: Big word Wordsearch or simple puzzle books
14: Colouring books
15: Sensory toys (eg: Fidget spinners)
16: Amazon fire stick/ TV subscription
17: Magazine subscription
Practical items:
18: Handmade I.O.U These could be anything that they may find useful from offering to clean their house anything such as cooking them a meal etc..
19: Coffee machine
20:Online gift vouchers
Sunday, 8 December 2019
All about a world with friends
As I have done several blogs in the past on the Charity A world with friends I thought it was time I did one explaining exactly what the charity does, its aims and why it is so important.
Lewis Hine founder of started A World With Friends (previously named friend finder) at just fourteen years old after realising how many young disabled or chronically ill young children & adults were isolated and unable to make friends due to missing a lot of school from illness or disability.
77% of people with a disability reported feeling lonely or isolated in one way or another but through setting up a world with friends, Lewis has helped change that.
Lewis along with a team of volunteers organise activities for young disabled teens & young adults to enjoy, he has also arranged several proms which have been thoroughly enjoyed by many who have felt unable to attend their own.
Lewis has helped create many friendships & good memories for people all across England and is currently in the process of creating "A world with friends", a 3D virtual world where
children can use virtual avatars to meet-up.
This will mean being able to do activities such as going to the cinema to watch the latest releases together. As well as doing many other amazing things for from home. A world with friend's objective is to support young people's mental health, self-esteem and to allow them to have something to look forward to.
Lewis has won many awards for his work with disabled & chronically ill young people including
*The Diana award (2019)
*Daily Mirror NHS hero's special recognition award (2018)
*Bakken invitation award (2017)
*Points of light award (2017)
*Radio 1 teen hero award (2016)
When I found a world with friends I felt desperately lonely and isolated. Being apart of the charity has really helped me feel I am doing something useful. It has helped me create friends, given me things to look forward to & made me feel apart of society in a way I never thought I would.
One of A World with friend's latest projects has been recording a Christmas charity single along with video.
Many recording studios & young people from around the world helped to make this single possible. Special thank you to including The Old Blacksmiths Studios in Portsmouth @britanniaroadstudio in Mexico University of Northampton, Sonic Ranch in Texas USA who all allowed us the use of their recording studios. Also a massive shoutout and thanks to Chez, Dave and Scott
Who gave their time to produce, direct and edit the video. And of course a massive thank you to all involved.
I think I speak for us all when I say It was an honour to be apart of the project.
Our song " Merry Christmas with you" is now available on all platforms to stream & download. Please help us get to number one.
There was no better way to continue my blogs on disability & charity than to interview Lewis & his mum, Emma. Enjoy
1: How much do you think Social media allows you to spread awareness of loneliness within sick children, teens & adults?
A: Social media has been amazing in spreading the awareness of loneliness and isolation that comes with chronic illness and disability. I can talk to people all around the world instantly it’s incredible. It was Facebook that had 33 million views of my video
2: When you first started the charity did you predict it would grow to be as big as it is?
A: No, I had no idea it started as just a project I didn’t realise how big the problem of isolation was at the time but I do now
3:Where do you hope to take Aworld with friends in the future?
A: A global charity
4: What do you think your biggest accomplishment has been since you launched a world with friends?
A: Getting emails and letters from children and young people that have made friends through the charity
5: Having starred in CBBC'S "My life" & write your own book about your journey. If given the chance would you want to see your life story televised? Either as a T.V series or film? & if this were to happen, who would you want to play you?
A: Hmmm don’t know
6: Overall do you think your experience with the media has been a positive one?
A: Yes definitely the media have helped me get my story out there and helped others find out about the charity
7:What advice would you give to someone wanting to set up a charity?
A: Be prepared to work hard and don’t be afraid to ask for help. When it gets hard don’t give up
8: Have you got any events coming up that people should look out for?
A: The next prom is 29 May 2019
9:What's the one thing you have learnt from working within a charity that has proved to be invaluable?
A: That helping others is better than doing things for yourself
10: What's your advice to anyone who is feeling lonely right now
A: Email me now and I will connect you to AWWF
I hope you enjoyed my blog about the amazing world with friends charity & a big thank you to Lewis & his mum Emma for answering my questions.
Phone: 07545 664784
Facebook page: A world with friends
Thursday, 5 December 2019
Charitable Christmas gifts
Christmas is a time for giving and having seen so many charity shops, gifts & organisations pop up online I thought I would compile a list of some of my favourites.
1:Download the Lumos album: A series of Christmas songs covered by a number of Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts actors with all profits going to the Lumos charity. Whose aim it is to rescue disbaled children from all over the world. who are living in orphanages. Many of these children have at least one parent living who simply just needs help looking after their child. 
2: Download or purchase The Children in need got it covered album: A selection of covers by famous celebrities with all profits going to charities supported by children in need. 
3:Purchase a gift from the GOSH shop: All proceeds of this shop go into providing new treatments, cures & support for families and patients of Great Ormond Street Hospital.
4: Visit a Charity Shop: You might think why on earth is she telling me to go to a charity shop to buy Christmas presents. I don't want other people's old junk but you may just find some really nice charity Christmas cards or even old pieces of junk you can then reuse to create your own homemade presents
5: Donate to a local food or clothes bank
6: Make a donation to "share a star" to give a chronically or terminally ill young person a customised star including hand written poem.
7: Look into animal adoption: Animal adoption makes a really great present. You can either do this by buying a pet or more simply an endangered species. A lot of zoos have adoption programmes where they will give you a variety of gifts for signing up (Zoo tickets, cuddly toys ect...) You will also be able to visit your adopted animal if you do it this way you will get to see your name on a plaque outside its enclosure.
8: Make a donation to children in need by purchasing
Ade Adepitan's book
Cyborg Cat and the Night Spider or the countryfile 2020 calendar,I know I have already spoken of Children in need but all proceeds of these two items go towards projects funded by Children in need. This way you are helping so many different causes by buying just one gift.
9: Donate to a local good cause.
By this, I don't just mean charities but if you know someone who has set up a fundraiser, donate a few pounds. You don't gain a gift but you'll be making that person's life just a little easier. granted you don't know anyone who has a fundraiser set up. Try to find someone. Reach out you might just make a friend.
10: Donte to medicinema: The aim of medicinema is to give terminally Ill children & their families access to cinema and a break from their troubles whilst they access hospital treatments. You can donate within your local cinema or do it online.
11: Buy a gift from the Wallace & Gromit's grand appeal shop. All proceeds go into providing new treatments, cures & support for families and patients of Bristol Children's hospital.
12: Create an Operation Christmas Child shoebox: Every year the charity Samaritan's purse donate thousands of shoeboxes to children in need. These children would otherwise not receive a gift for Christmas.
You can create your own shoebox including small gifts of your choice. There is also an option to go online to create a box that they will create and a send-off for you.
13: Purchase an Eddy the teddy bear:
The Eddy the Teddy organization, visit hospitals all around the U.K, donating Eddy the Teddys to children in hospital.
They one day hope to be able to donate teddies to children in hospitals all around the world.
14: Donate your time: Simple. Volunteer helping with a local Christmas event
15: Shop online at M.E action all proceeds from these sales will be put into providing better care for M.E patients
16: Buy a Charity single:
•Very good this year (Ho, Ho, Ho) all the profits from this go to Alder Hey children's hospital
•A world with friends' Merry Christmas with you all profits of this single will go to the word with friends charity
- X-factor charity single "Run" originally sung by "Snow Patrol" supporting Together for short lives & Shooting a tar Children's hospice both of which strive to give critically ill children the best possible care and memories.
every penny of profit from six year old Lyra Cole's cover of "When a child is born" goes into researching a cure for brain tumors.
•Pre-order Don't give up by Nathan Gridsdale all profits of this go to special needs charities around the U.K
17: Buy a copy of Miranda Hart's book daily dose of such fun this book was created for sport relief charity helping children both abroad and around the U.K
18: Visit shabang theatres shop: They have most recently released their eco-friendly 2020 calendar with profits going back into their projects to allow young disabled people access to the arts.
19:Buy a gift from the UNICEF shop: UNICEF helps transform the lives of underprivileged children. Helping buy with medical care, food, water pumps and much more.
20: Shop locally or Visit a local museum /cathedral:
Keeping the community alive & thriving is very important especially nowadays when people tend to use the internet rather than visiting the high street. Craftspeople & small business owners work really hard to make money. and generally, have lots of really well-made handmade gifts even if it does mean spending a little more money.
Most museums and Cathedrals rely on charitable donations to keep them going. Have a great learning experience. Then either donate or buy from their shop. If not enough people continue to visit these types of places there will soon be no money for repairs or maintenance meaning they will all someday disappear.
Charity singles:
Very good this year:
Merry Christmas with you:
When a child is born:
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