Tuesday 25 August 2020

Daruma FILM

 Daruma's production team describe their film as " a movie about family, fathers and daughters, forgiveness and a myriad of other themes and emotions." 

Going on to say "the movie is actually a love note from a father to his daughter: the leads just happen to be disabled." Daruma tells a story of a man who overcomes his own demons in order to do right by his child" Something most people can relate to in one way or another. 

Their journey is not just one of distance,for they form an understanding,gain an unstoppable friendship and discover what they didn't think they needed. 

Whilst accompanying Patrick's new found daughter to her grandparents on America's east coast. 

The creators wish; for people to get behind patrick's journey,be able to laugh, cry, have their hearts broken and triumph in their  success.  One thing they don't want is for their film referred to as " the disabled movie." 

The coronavirus pandemic has hit filmmakers extremely hard,

meaning independent filmmakers like Daruma's have another hurdle to jump over now extra expenses are necessary, 

to ensure the safety of all involved.

 The team have faced many hurdles, fighting to produce a challenging project. 

One of the main being people saying things like  "there is not an audience for projects with disabled actors" this isn't true in the slightest. The Ruderman Family Foundation released a white paper proving that film studios leave over $10 billion on the table every year by casting abled actors for disabled roles.

 I have written many times on the challenges facing disabled people wanting  to pursue a career within the film or T.V industry. An industry known for being one of the toughest to break into. 

 challenges such as lack of opportunities, able bodied actors  gaining disabled roles. Some booking roles,then later fired, because they have a disability. 

It's a similar story for disabled filmmakers with approximately 3% having a disability. 

 To get Daruma to the screen, over $30,000 is  needed in order, for covid19 tests and safety regulations. 

If anyone would like to donate they can make a Tax deductible donation here: 



As they are financially sponsored by from the heart Productions  .  All donations made are tax deductible. Allowing every part of your donation helps pay all involved. 

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